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Letter: G

Rachel Guido DeVries

Rachel Guido DeVries is a Southern-Italian American, and a poet and novelist. She grew up near Paterson, New Jersey, and has lived in central New York since 1970. Her poems have appeared in magazines including Yellow Silk, Voices in Italian Americana, the Paterson Literary Review, and Blueline. New work is forthcoming in The Paterson Literary … Continued

Aine Greaney

An Irish native living in Massachusetts, Aine Greaney has published books, short stories and non-fiction essays. In 2000, she was the grand prize winner of the Frank O’Connor Short Story Award. Her work has also been placed, shortlisted or awarded by the Irish News International Short Fiction Awards, the Hennessy New Irish Writers Award, and … Continued

Geoffrey Gatza

Geoffrey Gatza is the editor and publisher of BlazeVOX [books] and the author of eight books of poetry; Secrets of my Prison House will be out in the Fall of 2010. Kenmore: Poem Unlimited and Not So Fast Robespierre are now available from Menendez Publishing. HouseCat Kung Fu: Strange Poems for Wild Children is also … Continued

Paul Genega

Paul Genega published two full-length collections of poetry in 2001: That Fall: New and Selected Poems, culls from earlier volumes and chapbooks; At The Tone, is a series of persona poems, messages addressed to a distant older brother on answering machines. Enid Dame, Co-editor of Home Planet News, has called the latter a “troubling, moving … Continued

Estelle Gilson

Estelle Gilson is a New York based writer and translator. (Member of PEN’s Translation Committee). Her interest as a circuit writer is to read from her translations, to transmit an interest in the art of translation and to encourage readers who may have favorite literary works in foreign languages to think seriously of translating those … Continued

Loss Pequeno Glazier

Loss Glazier has made his home in New York state since 1988, when he left the sunny winters and sagebrush of the Southwest to move to Buffalo to participate in the dynamic literary energy of SUNY Buffalo’s Poetics Program. A native of the Tejano and Mexican-American culture of south Texas, Glazier at last feels at … Continued

Angelina Weld Grimke

(1880-1958) Poet, playwright. Angelina Weld Grimke lived in Manhattan, New York. She was a writer of the Harlem Renaissance. Her play “Rachel” (1916) was said by critics to be “…the first successful drama written by a Negro and interpreted by Negro actors.” Another well-known work of hers is the short story “The Closing Door.” Her … Continued

Edward Gorey

(1925-2000) Writer, illustrator, playwright. Born in Chicago. He was a roommate of FRANK O’HARA at Harvard in 1946. Gorey graduated in 1950, having majored in French. He moved to New York City in the early 1950s to design book covers for Doubleday. He also did illustrations for the “New Yorker” and the “New York Times.” … Continued

Stephen Jay Gould

(1941-2002) Writer, scientist. “The Panda’s Thumb: More Reflections on Natural History,” received his Ph.D. at Columbia University.

Stanley Green

(1923-1990) Writer, historian. Stanley Green was born in Manhattan, New York, and died in Brooklyn, New York. He was a theater historian focusing on musicals.