General Information
Estelle Gilson is a New York based writer and translator. (Member of PEN’s Translation Committee). Her interest as a circuit writer is to read from her translations, to transmit an interest in the art of translation and to encourage readers who may have favorite literary works in foreign languages to think seriously of translating those works. Estelle Gilson’s translation from Italian of “The Stories and Recollections of Umberto Saba” won three translation prizes, including the Aldo and Jean Scaglione Prize as the best literary translation of the previous two years. Her translation of “Separations; Two Novels of Mothers and Children” by Massimo Bontempelli was completed under NEA and NYSCA grants. Her translation of “October 16, 1943/Eight Jews” Giacomo Debenedetti’s Holocaust memoirs was issued in 2001. Gilson has also published translations from French (Stendhal) Hebrew (Gabriel Preil) and English versions of three of Juvenal’s Latin Satires.
Full Name
Estelle Gilson
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