General Information
An Irish native living in Massachusetts, Aine Greaney has published books, short stories and non-fiction essays. In 2000, she was the grand prize winner of the Frank O’Connor Short Story Award. Her work has also been placed, shortlisted or awarded by the Irish News International Short Fiction Awards, the Hennessy New Irish Writers Award, and the Steinbeck Award. Her first novel, “The Big House,” was released in Ireland and the United Kingdom in June 2003 (Simon & Schuster / TownHouse). Her second novel, “Dance Lesson” is forthcoming in 2011 (Syracuse U.P). Her instructional book, “Writer with a Day Job” is forthcoming from Writers Digest Books. The short story collection, “The Sheepbreeders Dance” was published by Flume Press in 2005. Greaney’s work is also included in anthologies such as “In Love and Trouble,” “Lost & Found,” (Anthology of teachers’ writing) and “The Fish Anthology.” She is a lively, dramatic and sometimes humorous reader / speaker, who brings the audience to understand the genesis of her work. She has spoken at colleges, libraries, arts events, and history museums. Visit her website at
Full Name
Aine Greaney
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