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Region: Manhattan

Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center

Contact: Kermit Frazier Writing Workshops and Black Roots Festival – Writing workshops (novel, short story, creative writing, literary nonfiction, and poetry), readings, and other artistic events for which we engage first-rate established writers to teach, mentor, and encourage by example the talent inherent in our community. The Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center, is a writers’ … Continued

Hudson Review Inc

Founded in 1947, The Hudson Review is a quarterly magazine of literature and the arts published in New York City. Frederick Morgan, one of its founding editors, edited the magazine for its first fifty years. Paula Deitz has been the editor since 1998.

Rattapallax (Rattapallax Press)

Orgnization Profile: Rattapallax Press is nonprofit poetry publisher based in New York City. Each book of poetry the press publishes includes a CD or CD-ROM featuring the poet reading their selected work. In addition our poets and their books are heavily integrated into the internet and developing technologies (e.g. e-books, wireless communications, sound files, and … Continued

Feminist Press At The City University of New York

AKA: The Feminist Press Women Writers of the Islamic World – Four new novels and story collections by some of the world’s most distinguished women writers, focusing on writers from traditionally Muslim cultures, including Iran, Iraq, Algeria, and Pakistan.


Fiction is a literary magazine founded in 1972 by Mark Jay Mirsky, Donald Barthelme, Jane Delynn, and Max Frisch. In its early years, Fiction was published in tabloid format and featured experimental work by such writers as John Barth, Jerome Charyn, Italo Calvino, Ronald Sukenick, Steve Katz, Russell Banks, Samuel Beckett, and J.G. Ballard. It … Continued

Words Without Borders

Words without Borders translates, publishes, and promotes the finest contemporary international literature. Our publications and programs open doors for readers of English around the world to the multiplicity of viewpoints, richness of experience, and literary perspective on world events offered by writers in other languages. We seek to connect international writers to the general public, … Continued

The Writers Room, Inc.

The Writers Room, Inc., was founded to provide emerging and established writers, working in any and all literary genres, with affordable work space in New York City. The Room is the only non-profit organization in New York City entirely dedicated to the purpose of providing writers with work space, 24 hours a day, 7 days … Continued

Bellevue Literary Review

The Bellevue Literary Review is a forum for illuminating humanity and human experience. BLR is published by the Department of Medicine at New York University. We invite submissions of previously unpublished works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry that touch upon relationships to the human body, illness, health and healing. We encourage creative interpretation of these … Continued