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Region: Central Leatherstocking

Otsego Hall

Otsego Hall, James Fenimore Cooper’s permanent home from 1833 until his death, was built by his father. It was located on Main Street opposite Fair Street. The house was destroyed by fire in 1853.

SUNY at Binghamton, Creative Writing Program

Creative Writing Program, State University College of New York at Binghamton, supports an array of events for students, the campus community, and the surrounding area. Opportunities range from nationally and internationally acclaimed writers reading their own work and offering writing workshops, to well-known editors meeting to discuss the writing life, to a graduate student-run series … Continued

Old Court House

In the 1830s and 1840s, James Fenimore Cooper traveled to the Old Court House in the town of Fonda to bring (and win) libel suits against James Watson Webb, the New York Enquirer, and Thurlow Weed, Albany Evening Journal.