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Brockport Writers Forum

General Information


Founded in 1967 as a function of the Department of English, The Brockport Writers Forum is recognized as one of the outstanding series of readings in this country. Its guests have included many distinguished poets, writers, and critics. In addition to its program of readings, the Forum sponsors residencies, workshops, symposia, and festivals – all dedicated to the art of writing. A unique audio-visual project initiated in 1968 by the Department of English, with the assistance of the Educational Communication Center, the Brockport Writers Forum Videotape Library currently numbers over 200 interviews, readings, and discussions of craft with major contemporaries. The collection has received national recognition as an educational and scholarly archive, and is believed to be the finest such record of contemporary American poetry in existence.

Full Name

Brockport Writers Forum


350 New Campus Drive SUNY Brockport, NY 14420


Monroe (Finger Lakes)

Phone Number

(716) 395-5713

