Arts Council Of Rockland Inc.
General Information
The Arts Council of Rockland promotes and encourages the arts in our diverse community and strives to create a climate in which creative expression flourishes and is experienced by all. The Arts Council of Rockland facilitates and coordinates programs, support services, publications and forums for the entire community in the interest of enhancing the cultural life in Rockland County. Arts Happenings –
Newspaper published six times a year with a circulation of 4000 contains a calendar of events, opportunities for artists and arts organizations, articles of interest to the artistic community as well as information about services offered by the Arts Council of Rockland (ACOR). Community Arts Grants –
Administered with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) Decentralization Program. Grants are awarded annually to non-profit arts organizations and artists sponsored by eligible organizations. This program provides funding for quality arts projects that are available to the entire Rockland Community with an emphasis on reaching under-served populations.
Individual Artist Grants –
Administered with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) Decentralization Program. Grants of $2,500 each are awarded to artists to create new work with the community involved in the creative process.
Arts Education Grants –
Administered with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts. Grants are awarded for in-school projects resulting from the collaboration of teaching artists and in-school faculty. Projects integrate arts with other curricular areas.
Arts Fund for Rockland –
A united annual campaign that raises money and distributes it to Rockland non-profit organizations whose primary mission is either artistic or cultural.
Student Scholarships –
Scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors in Rockland County who are pursuing studies in a traditional art form at a college, university, art school or conservatory located in New York State. Funds have been made available from State elected officials and private donors.
Artist Registry/On-Line Artist Registry –
The Artist Registry assists in marketing the work of member artists and is available as (1) a listing on the ACOR web site and (2) through a computerized database that provides referrals to individuals/organizations seeking artistic services. In order to participate in this program the artist must be a current ACOR member.
County Executive Arts Awards –
Annual celebration of the arts in Rockland and those who create it. These awards honor individual artists, arts organizations, art teachers and supporters of the arts.
Professional Development Workshops –
On-going series of workshops providing techniques and strategies to address issues faced by artists and arts organizations. Workshops have focused on topics such as marketing, grant writing, photographing artwork, audience development, e-mail marketing legal issues, computer classes and more.
Technical Assistance –
The Arts Council provides referrals for artists and arts organizations as well as advice, advocacy and assistance with grant writing, legal issues, marketing, issues of accessibility, availability of space for artistic programs, exhibit or studio space and other topics on an as-needed basis.
Rockland Dances –
Brings together dancers and dance ensembles from all of Rockland County for one performance. Presentations include traditional dances from around the world, tap, jazz, modern and hip-hop.
Arts Council Web Site – –
Interactive site allows individuals and organizations to post calendar listings directly to the site and participate in the On-Line Artist Registry. Updates on events, current news, program information, the ability to join the Arts Council, benefits of membership and links to other sites can all be found on the web site.
Dog Tag Art Exhibition –
Month-long exhibition of artwork created by veterans of U.S. Armed Forces.
Arts and Culture Day –
Produced for members of Leadership Rockland, a class of emerging and current leaders in the Rockland community. This day provides an overview of the artistic resources that are available to the community and the economic impact of the arts in Rockland County.
Full Name
Arts Council Of Rockland Inc.
Rockland (Hudson Valley)
Phone Number
(845) 426-3660