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Location Type: Literary Site

Provincetown Playhouse

The Provincetown Playhouse, Greenwich Village, presented plays by playwrights Eugene O’Neill, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Maxwell Bodenheim, Alfred Kreymborg, and e.e.cummings.

Pulitzer Fountain

The Pulitzer Fountain, East 59th Street and Grand Army Plaza, was built in 1916 and given to the city by Joseph Pulitzer.

Carl Schurz Park

Carl Schurz Park, 84th to 90th Streets, was once the private garden of Gracie Mansion; it was named for Evening Post editor/writer and New York Senator Carl Schurz.

Edna St Vincent Millay’s House

Edna St. Vincent Millay’s house, 75½ Bedford Street, Greenwich Village, is marked by a plaque. It is known as the “narrowest house in New York.” Ms. Millay lived here for a short time in 1923 and 1924. It is not open to the public.