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Location Type: Literary Site

New York State Writers Institute (Literary Site)

The New York State Writers Institute, is one of America’s premiere sites for celebrating the art of the written word. Numerous and diverse programs meet the challenge of the original mandate by providing the broadest possible educational base for students of writing, access to some of our greatest living authors for serious readers of literature, … Continued

SUNY at Binghamton, Creative Writing Program

Creative Writing Program, State University College of New York at Binghamton, supports an array of events for students, the campus community, and the surrounding area. Opportunities range from nationally and internationally acclaimed writers reading their own work and offering writing workshops, to well-known editors meeting to discuss the writing life, to a graduate student-run series … Continued

University At Buffalo / The Poetics Program

The Poetics Program, State University of New York at Buffalo, is a center for the study of poetry and poetics, with many national and international scholars and poets visiting for short-term and postdoctoral residencies. The program also sponsors a wide range of poetry-related magazines and presses, both print and electronic. The activities of the program … Continued

Glenmore Hotel

In 1923, Theodore Dreiser brought his future bride, Helen Richardson, to Big Moose Lake to research a murder that had taken place there in 1906; Dreiser and Richardson stayed at the Glenmore Hotel, the same hotel at which the murderer and his victim had stayed seventeen years earlier.

Old Court House

In the 1830s and 1840s, James Fenimore Cooper traveled to the Old Court House in the town of Fonda to bring (and win) libel suits against James Watson Webb, the New York Enquirer, and Thurlow Weed, Albany Evening Journal.

Frederick Douglass Memorials in Rochester

Frederick Douglass Memorials in Rochester include the following: Frederick Douglass Memorial Square, Mount Hope Avenue & Reservoir Avenue; Frederick Douglass grave and grave indicator sign, Mount Hope Cemetery; Frederick Douglass home, northwest corner of Robinson Drive and South Avenue; Frederick Douglas statue in Frederick Douglass Memorial Square, Highland Park.

Mount Hope Cemetery

Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York, is the final resting place for writers Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, Frank Gannett, and Lewis Henry Morgan. Address of Cemetery Gatehouse: 791 Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester, New York.