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Letter: P

Joseph Pulitzer

(1847-1911) Journalist. In 1868 he became a reporter on a German-language newspaper in St. Louis. In 1878 he bought two papers and combined them into the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In 1883 he bought The World, a New York City paper, and turned it into a vigorous, crusading newspaper. The term “yellow journalism” was coined as … Continued

Pedro Pietri

(1944-2004) Poet, playwright. Pedro Pietri lived most of his life in Harlem, Manhattan, New York. Pietri was a co-founder of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe at 505 East Sixth Street in New York City.

Maxwell Perkins

(1884-1947) Writer, editor. Maxwell Perkins was born at 2nd Avenue and 14th Street in Manhattan, New York. He also lived on East 49th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. He was one of the most influential editors of the twentieth century. After graduating from Harvard in 1907, Mr. Perkins became a reporter for the “New … Continued

Ann Petry

(1908-1997) Fiction writer, children’s book author. Ann Petry was born in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, and lived in Harlem, New York. Petry was the first black woman to sell over a million copies with “The Street” (1946).

George Plimpton

(1927-2003) Writer, editor. George Plimpton was born in New York City, taught at Barnard, edited the “Paris Review,” and died at his home on East 72nd Street. George Plimpton co-founded the important literary journal “Paris Review,” and wrote articles and books on his many and varied experiences: among other things, he quarterbacked for the Detroit … Continued

Dorothy Parker

(1893-1967) Short-story writer and poet. Dorothy Parker was a member of the Algonquin Hotel’s Round Table; she lived at 57 West 57th Street in Manhattan, New York. She first served as drama critic for “Vanity Fair” (1916-17) and book critic for the “New Yorker” (1927). In 1992 the United States Postal Service issued its tenth … Continued

Thomas Paine

(1737-1809) Political theorist and writer. Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet “Common Sense” (1776), which encouraged independence from Great Britain and he also wrote the pamphlet series “The Crisis” (1776-83), encouraging the patriot cause during the Revolutionary War. After the war, Mr. Paine lived in New Rochelle, New York, until 1787, when he left for England. … Continued

George Palmer Putnam

(1887-1950) Author and explorer. George Palmer Putnam was born in Rye, New York, grandson of G. P. Putnam, founder of the publishing firm. He lived in Manhattan, New York, in a hotel at times. He wrote 13 books, including a biography of his wife, Amelia Earhart, called “Soaring Wings,” and published most of America’s most … Continued