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County: New York

The Rev. Timothy Keller

(1950-2023) Author. The Rev. Timothy Keller was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and died in Manhattan, New York. He wrote the book “The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.”

Robin Guenther

(1954-2023) Architect, author. Robin Guenther was born in Detroit, Michigan, and died in Manhattan, New York. She wrote the book Sustainable Healthcare Architecture.

Robert J Zimmer

(1947-2023) Mathematician, author. Robert J. Zimmer was born in Manhattan, New York, and died in Chicago, Illinois.

Amitai Etzioni

(1929-2023) Sociologist, author. Amitai Etzioni was born in Cologne, Germany, and died in Washington, District of Columbia.

Cynthia Weil

(1940-2023) Songwriter, lyricist. Cynthia Weil was born in New York City, and died in Beverly Hills, California.

Francoise Gilot

(1921-2023) Artist, memoirist. Francoise Gilot was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, and died in Manhattan, New York.

Jessie Maple

(1937-2023) Filmmaker, author. Jessie Maple was born in McComb, Mississippi, and died in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dorothy Bohm

(1924-2023) Photographer, author. Dorothy Bohm was born in Königsberg, East Prussia, and died in Northwest London, United Kingdom.