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County: Montgomery

Kirk Douglas

(1916-2020) Author. Kirk Douglas was born in Amsterdam, New York, and died in Beverly Hills, California.

Audrey Kupferberg

Audrey Kupferberg grew up in Amsterdam, New York. She is a writer/biographer, lecturer, film and video consultant, archivist, and appraiser. She teaches film history at the University at Albany (SUNY), and works as film consultant to The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum at Bowdoin College. She has lectured on Irving Berlin in the Speakers in the Humanities … Continued

Joseph Brant

(1742-1807) A Chief, a British Military officer and a Christian missionary whose parents, Mohawks from New York State, were traveling along the Ohio river when Brant was born. He was educated in English missionary schools in Philadelphia. As a young teenager, he worked with British General William Johnson as a translator. He also worked with … Continued

Old Court House

In the 1830s and 1840s, James Fenimore Cooper traveled to the Old Court House in the town of Fonda to bring (and win) libel suits against James Watson Webb, the New York Enquirer, and Thurlow Weed, Albany Evening Journal.