Post Traumatic Press (PTP) is a small independent press founded in 2000. Our original mission: to give voices to veterans and noncombatants whose lives have been affected by the trauma of war. We have since expanded to include other work. A belief in the power of words to heal is what PTP is about. Dedicated … Continued
Mayapple Press is a literary small press with a special interest in poetry. Mayapple Press is a member CLMP.
The Golden Notebook is located at 29 Tinker Street in the heart of Woodstock, New York. It is a general independent bookstore that has helped readers of all ages find the books they need and the books they love since 1978.
The Byrdcliffe Arts and Crafts Colony was founded as an Arts & Crafts Community in 1903 and is still operating.
The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild is a multi-arts membership organization. Its Kleinert/James Arts Center hosts local and national performing, visual and literary artists. The WBG offers a variety of classes in the arts and is steward of the Byrdcliffe Arts Colony. Founded in 1903, Byrdcliffe is one of the older artists colonies in the country, and … Continued
The WOODSTOCK POETRY SOCIETY was founded in April 1996 by Harold Levitt and Bob Wright, both former members of the Stone Ridge Poetry Society (which ended in 1995) who wanted to see a poetry venue established in the Woodstock area that offered not only an open mike for local poets but a place in which … Continued