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General Information


Susanne Tedrick is a technical specialist for a Fortune 50 technology company. Fiercely committed to increasing participation of women and people of color in STEM educational and professional opportunities, she is a career mentor for the Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) Initiative and a volunteer workshop technical assistant for Black Girls Code, a nonprofit that empowers girls of color to develop in-demand IT skills and prepare for careers in tech. Susanne was awarded the 2018 CompTIA AITP Rising Star of the Year Award, and nominated for the 2019 CompTIA Advancing Women in Technology Mentorship Guide Award, for her dedication to advancing her career and that of others.

Full Name

Susanne Tedrick



Author's Timeline



Women of Color in Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators
Women of Color in Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators seeks to help readers overcome the obstacles that often prevent women of color from pursuing and staying in tech careers. Contrary to popular belief, tech careers are diverse and fun���and they go far beyond just coding. This book will show you that today���s tech careers are incredibly dynamic, and you���ll learn how your soft skills���communication, public speaking, networking���can help you succeed in tech.

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