General Information
Roberta Gould’s work has appeared widely in several hundred publications a few of which are: The Green Mountain Review, Helicon Nine, Confrontation, Mixed Voices, Milkweed Editions, the New York Times, The Village Voice, Rio On Line, Contact II, Ikon, Mid American Review, Bridges Chapultepec Review, etc. She is the author of 8 books. She was editor of Light: A Poetry Revie, has appeared on public radio, and is a member of Pen Club. She works for the Haitian People’s Support Project and its orphanage Maison D’Espoir ….”Her work should be considered in any comprehensive collection of present day poets”… Choice, ..”. I enjoy her amazing variety, and most of all the brevity and completeness where she sifts our civilization in a mere stanza and gets it right,”.. Kate Millett.
Full Name
Roberta Gould
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