General Information
Mr. Kostelanetz doesn’t do standup declamation; he prefers to show VIDEO POEMS & VIDEO STORIES, talk about alternative publishing, or generally answered individual questions. Mr. Kostelanetz currently resides in FarEast BushWick. Individual entries on his work in several fields appear in various editions of Wikipedia,,, Postmodern Fiction Contemporary Poets, Who’s Who in America Contemporary Novelists, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in American Art, Directory of American Scholars, Advocates for Self-Government, The Chronology of American Literature, The Facts on File Companion to American Poetry, Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of American Writers, Contemporary Jewish-American Dramatists and Poets, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Readers Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers, Who’s Who in U.S. Writers, Editors, and Poets, The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, International Who’s Who of Authors and Writers, The Facts on File Companion to 20th Century Poetry, The HarperCollins Reader’s Encyclopedia of American Literature, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry, Honor Wall of Distinguished Alumni, Scarsdale High School, New York. For Westdeutcher Rundfunk I also composed a 60′ electro-acoustic tape of and about the sounds of New York City. Longer versions, titled New York City ORATORIO, run 97 minutes and 140 minutes. His eBooks are available on Kindle —
Full Name
Richard Kostelanetz
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