General Information
Various pieces by RD Armstrong (Raindog) have appeared in Spillway, Pearl, Unwound, Haight Ashbury Review, Drinking With Bukowski, Art/Life, Genre, The Lummox Journal, bender, Pitchfork, Poetry Motel, Chiron Review, Momentum Magazine and others. His poems are anthologized in “Das Ist Alles,” Pearl Editions 1995; “Last Call: A Legacy of Madness” (also editor), Vinegar Hill Press 1995; “Raising the Roof” (a fundraiser for Habitat For Humanity – Riverside, CA), 1998; “Maytag Heights” (a similar fundraiser for H4H – Long Beach, CA), Lummox Press 1999. He is the founder and editor of The Lummox Press, which publishes the Little Red Book (LRB) series (30+ titles and counting), the LRB Master series, The Lummox Journal (monthly small press/alternative “zine” digest now in it’s 6th year), and several specialty-type publications. He has published LRB for Linda Lerner, Gerald Locklin, Hugh Fox, Normal, Rick Smith, and many others. Smith’s “The Wren Notebook” (published by Lummox Press in 2000) has been nominated for a Pen Center West (poetry) Book of the Year Award and was called “the best [small press] book of poetry in the year 2000” by Chiron reviewer, Tim Scannell. He has been twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Recent titles include: “Lost Highway” (Blues Poetry Anthology – 15 poets); “On/Off the Beaten Path” (a long road poem, the second); “Paper Heart Vol. 3” (Love poems); “A Journey Up the Coast” (the first road poem); “Eyes Like Mingus” (A Jazz Poetry Anthology – 12 poets). All are published by Lummox Press.
Full Name
RD Armstrong
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