General Information
Djelloul Marbrook’s first poetry book, Far from Algiers (2008, Kent State University Press) won the 2007 Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize and the 2010 International Book Award in poetry and has been reviewed by Prairie Schooner, Literal Latté, Rattle, The Linchpin, and Boxcar Poetry. His second book of poems, Brushstrokes and Glances (2010, Deerbrook Editions), was also reviewed by Prairie Schooner. Guest Boy, book one of the Light Piercing Water fiction trilogy (2012, Mira Publishing House CLC, Leeds, UK), debuted at the London Book Fair in April 2012 and is available on Amazon. “Artists’ Hill,” an excerpt from book two of the trilogy, won the 2008 Literal Latté first prize in fiction. His other novels are Saraceno (2012, Bliss Plot Press, Mt. Tremper, NY, available in paper, ebook, and audio); Artemisia’s Wolf (2011, Prakash Books, India), and Alice Miller’s Room (1999,, UK, the pioneering e-book publisher ). His poems have been published by American Poetry Review, Barrow Street, Orbis (UK), From the Fishouse, Oberon, Meadowland Review, Northport Journal, The Same, Reed, The Ledge, Poemeleon, Fledgling Rag, Daylight Burglary, Le Zaporogue (France), Atticus Review, Long Island Quarterly, Arabesques Literary and Cultural Review, and ReDactions, among others. Ten poems and an interview about writing poetry are available at From the Fishhouse, an audio archive of emerging poets. His short fiction has been published by Orbis (UK), Breakfast All Day (UK), Potomac Review, and Prima Materia. He worked for many years as a reporter and editor for newspapers including The Providence Journal, Elmira Star-Gazette, Baltimore Sun, Winston-Salem Journal, Washington Star, and other. He is now retired and lives in New York’s mid-Hudson Valley with his wife Marilyn.
Full Name
Mr Djelloul Marbrook
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