General Information
Meredith Trede is one of the founding publishers of Toadlily Press. Her chapbook, Out of the Book, was in Desire Path, the inaugural volume of The Quartet Series. Journals that have published her work include: Blue Mesa Review, Gargoyle, Heliotrope, The Paris Review, Runes, 13th Moon, and West Branch. She has been a reference librarian, taught writing, French, Spanish and ESL, worked for a social services agency, as an interpersonal skills trainer and as staff manager in an engineering-consulting company. Her husband and she are partners in a management consulting company. She has an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College, a BA in Liberal Arts and an MA in Human Resources and Management Development from the New School. Meredith has held residency fellowships at Ragdale, Saltonstall, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Virginia and France. Born and raised in Upper Manhattan, she lives in Sleepy Hollow, New York where she serves on the Advisory Board for Slapering Hol Press.
Full Name
Meredith Trede
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