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(1884-1947) Writer, editor. Maxwell Perkins was born at 2nd Avenue and 14th Street in Manhattan, New York. He also lived on East 49th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. He was one of the most influential editors of the twentieth century. After graduating from Harvard in 1907, Mr. Perkins became a reporter for the “New York Times” for a short while, before being hired by the publishing house Charles Scribner’s Sons in 1910. It was at Scribner’s that Mr. Perkins eventually assisted in making the careers of such legendary writers as F. Scott Fitgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Thomas Wolfe.

Full Name

Maxwell Perkins


New York

Author's Timeline



William Maxwell Evarts Perkins was born in Manhattan, New York, on September 20, 1884.



Maxwell Perkins died in Stamford, Connecticut, on June 17, 1947.



Maxwell Perkins was interred at Lakeview Cemetery
New Canaan, Fairfield County, Connecticut.

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