General Information
Margo Taft Stever’s collection of poetry, Frozen Spring (2002), was the winner of the Mid-List Press First Series Award for Poetry. Her chapbook, Reading the Night Sky (Introduction by Denise Levertov), won the 1996 Riverstone Poetry Chapbook Competition. She is the founder and current board member of The Hudson Valley Writers’ Center (, and the founding editor of the Slapering Hol Press. Her poems have appeared in the Webster Review, New England Review, Connecticut Review, Poet Lore, West Branch, Seattle Review, The Cincinnati Review, Rattapallax, and elsewhere. Her poems are also found in numerous anthologies including Cadence of Hooves; Dire Elegies; Chance of a Ghost; and The Breath of Parted Lips, Volume II, and No More Masks. She has edited Imperiled Landscapes, Endangered Legends, Rizzoli International Publications, and Voices from the River, Slapering Hol Press. Her articles, essays, and book reviews have appeared in the Connecticut Review, Minnesota Review, Rain Taxi Review, Home Planet News, New Delta Review, Calyx, and Poets & Writers. Her photograph appears on the cover of Denise Levertov’s Relearning the Alphabet, and in many other periodicals. She is invited to read her poetry at the 2010 Geraldine Dodge Poetry Festival this October.
Full Name
Margo Taft Stever
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