General Information
Larnette Phillips has been self-employed as a full-time author and novelist since 1991. She is also a screenwriter and the owner of her own entertainment company. Larnette has published the novel ‘Seasons’ (love story/romance; published in print and audio); ‘Faces–The Sacred Journey’ (spiritual; print); ‘Sully and Me’ (print) – ‘Sully and Me’ was the winner of the 2003 National Gary Awards Competition. Larnette
is the creator and publisher of her magazine “Dame Cordelia of Beverly Hills” (produced and distributed nationally) as well as its subsequent product line with audio, film and television in the works. She is the creator of ‘Southern Shady Ladies–Tea and Scandal at Seven’ and ‘The Poor Clares of Washington’, both of which are being prepared as scripts for television and film. Larnette conducts novel writing and publishing workshops only. They
are in-depth, comprehensive, three-day intensive workshops for the aspiring writers.
Full Name
Larnette Phillips
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