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KIMIKO HAHN is the author of air Pocket (Hanging Loose Press, 1989), Earshot (HLP, 1992)–awarded the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize and an Association of Asian American Studies Literature Award–The Unbearable Heart (Kaya, 1996), which received an American Book Award, Volatile (HLP, forthcoming, 1998), and Mosquito and Ant (W.W. Norton, forthcoming, 1999.) She is currently collecting her short prose for a book entitled Afterbirth. Recent poetry can be found in Kenyon Review, Manoa, Another Chicago Magazine, and Best American Poetry of 1996 (Scribners). Her prose has appeared in the publications Bomb, The Global Review, TriQuarterly Review, and in the anthology, Charlie Chan is Dead (Penquin). In 1995, she wrote ten “portraits”of women for the two-hour HBO special, “Ain’t Nuthin’ But A She-Thing” for which she also did the voice-overs; it aired November of that year. Ms. Hahn is a recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York Foundation for the Arts. Last winter, she was awarded a Lila Wallace-Readers Digest Award. Hahn is an Associate Professor in the English Department at Queens College/CUNY.

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