General Information
(1803-1839) Cuban poet. He was educated at the University of Havana. Banished from Cuba for his part in the attempted revolution of 1823, he went to the United States, living in Manhattan, and then, in 1825, to Mexico, where, except for a brief return to the island in 1836, he remained for the rest of his life. His poems, which inspired the youth of Cuba with ideals of freedom, were first published in New York in 1825. Besides the well-known ode “Al NiĆgara,” they include “Himno del destarrado,” “En el teocalli de Cholula,” and “Al sol.” He also wrote translations of French and Italian works and “Lecciones de historia universal” (1830-1831).
Full Name
Jose Maria Heredia Y Campuzano
New York
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