General Information
(1869-1940) Anarchist, writer. She came to the United States from Russia in 1886, and joined the anarchist movement. In 1893 she was sentenced to a year in prison on Blackwells Island in New York City for inciting riot. After lecturing in Europe and the United States, she became associated with the anarchist publication “Mother Earth,” with Alexander Berkman. She then served as a delegate to anarchist congresses in Paris and Amsterdam. After legal troubles in 1917-1918, she was deported to Russia, but left there in 1921, feeling disillusionment with the Bolsheviks. She took an active part in the Spanish-American War in the 1930s. Her writings include “Anarchism and Other Essays” (1910), “The Social Significance of the Modern Drama” (1914), “My Disillusionment in Russia” (1923), and an autobiography “Living My Life (1931).
Full Name
Emma Goldman
New York
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