General Information
(1871-1949) Writer. Ellen Ione Miller Donaldson’s parents, from Gilbertsville, New York, moved to Avon, New York, where her father worked for the railroads and where Ellen, aka “Nellie”, was born. A few years after, the family moved to Isletta Pueblo, New Mexico, while her father was involved building the Santa Fe Railroad to Albuquerque. It was here that Ellen got to know the local Native Americans which were the dominant influence on much of her writing. Ellen returned to Gilbertsville in 1887 to attend the Gilbertsville Academy & Collegiate Institute. Upon graduation, she attended the New York Teachers College of Columbia University in Manhattan, New York, graduating in 1893. After teaching in New Jersey for two years, she was offered the job of principal of the Primary Department of the Gilbertsville Academy. In 1896 she married local pharmacist, Lewis M. Donaldson. Subsequently the family moved to Norwich, New York. During the years that their children were small, Ellen wrote numerous short stories, many of which were published in children’s magazines. Among those, “The Legend of the Pond Lily,” was published in The Youth’s Companion. Her poetry was published in many regional newspapers and magazines.
Full Name
Ellen Miller Donaldson
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