General Information
(1894-1962)(Edward Estlin Cummings) E. E. Cummings is a poet whose work is noted for, among other things, its eccentric typography, language, and punctuation. Among his 15 volumes of poetry are “Tulips and Chimneys” (1923), “Is 5” (1926), and “Ninety-five Poems” (1958). His experiences of being held in France as a prisoner during World War I provided the basis for “The Enormous Room” (1922). He lived in New York during 1917-23, at 15 West 14th Street and 21 East 15th Street, eventually settling at 4 Patchen Place. Djuna Barnes was a neighbor of Cummings. Some writers who visited that house included T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Dylan Thomas, and others.
Full Name
E E Cummings
New York
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