General Information
David Baratier was born in Schenectady, New York. Various pieces have appeared in Denver Quarterly, Jacket, Poet Lore, Slipstream, Quarter After Eight, Riverwind, Phoebe, and many others. His poems are anthologized in American Poetry: the Next Generation, from Carnegie Mellon UP; Red, White & Blues, Univ of Iowa Press and others. Collections include A Run of Letters, Poetry New York Press; The Fall Of Because, Pudding House; Estrella’s Prophecies I: Spinning the Wheel of Fortune, Runaway Spoon Press (FL); Estrella’s Prophecies II: An American Fortune in Paris Anabasis / Extant(VA); Estrella’s Prophecies III: Return of the Magi, Luna Bisonte Prods; After Celan, Slack Buddha Press, 2008. A non-fiction epistolary novel “In It What’s in It” was released by Spuyten Duyvil. He is also the founder and editor of Pavement Saw Press.
Full Name
David Baratier
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