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Christopher Citro’s poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Poetry East, the minnesota review, Arts & Letters Prime, Fourteen Hills, The Cincinnati Review, The Cortland Review, Harpur Palate, Spillway, Forklift Ohio, Gargoyle, Broadsided, Architrave Press, Crate, The Nervous Breakdown, The Reprint, Cellpoems, Superstition Review, NANO Fiction, Tar River Poetry, Poet Lore, Permafrost, The Lumberyard, Pank, Toad, >kill author, and Faultline. His poetry has been featured twice on Verse Daily and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His creative nonfiction has appeared in Airplane Reading, and his criticism in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Indiana Review. Born and raised in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, Christopher graduated summa cum laude with a BA from the Honors Tutorial College of Ohio University, did graduate work at the University of Kansas, and is currently completing an MFA in poetry at Indiana University where he has taught intro and upper level courses in creative writing, composition, and literary publishing and editing. While at Indiana University he held the Darrell Burton Fellowship in Creative Writing 2006-2007, served as host of The Poets Weave in the NPR station WFIU, Associate Editor for Lyric Poetry Review and an Associate Poetry Editor for Indiana Review. In 2006 he won the Langston Hughes Creative Writing Award in Poetry. In 2010 and 2011, Christopher taught at the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing.

Full Name

Christopher Citro



Author's Timeline



Christopher Citro lives in Onondaga County in New York State.

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