General Information
Christine Gelineau is the author most recently of CRAVE (NYQ Books, 2016). Also, the book-length sequence Appetite For the Divine (published as the Editor’s Choice for the Robert McGovern Award from Ashland Poetry Press, 2010) and Remorseless Loyalty (Ashland Poetry Press, 2006), which was awarded the Richard Snyder Memorial Prize, and which was subsequently nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Award. Gelineau’s poetry, essays and reviews have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Prairie Schooner, New York Times, Connecticut Review, New Letters, and others. She is a recipient of a Pushcart Prize and her essay “Foal Watch” was cited as a “Notable Essay” in Best American Essays. Gelineau lives on a farm in upstate New York. She teaches at Binghamton University, where she is Associate Director of the Creative Writing Program and coordinator of the Readers’ Series. She also teaches poetry in the low-residency MFA program at Wilkes University.
Full Name
Christine Gelineau
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