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(1760-1859) A Chief during the Revolutionary War, born in Cattaraugus, and a journal keeper. “Chain-Breaker: The Revolutionary War of Governor Blacksnake”–as told to Benjamin Williams–was the result of Blacksnake narrating stories and essays to Williams, an English speaking Seneca neighbor on the Allegany Reservation. Blacksnake was also called Awl Breaker and Governor Blacksnake. Said by some to be born in 1753 and to be over 106 when he died. Blacksnake’s uncles (family titles could be passed down in Iroquois society and not always represent direct relations; they may have been his mother’s or grandmother’s uncles) were Cornplanter and Handsome Lake. He was also a relative of Red Jacket.

Full Name

Blacksnake Blacksnake



Author's Timeline



"Chain-Breaker: The Revolutionary War of Governor Blacksnake"

"Chain-Breaker: The Revolutionary War of Governor Blacksnake"--as told to Benjamin Williams--was the result of Blacksnake narrating stories and essays to Williams, an English speaking Seneca neighbor on the Allegany Reservation.



Born in Cattaraugus


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