General Information
Various pieces by Anne Wilson have appeared in The Bitter Oleander, South Dakota Review, Evansville Review, Oxford Magazine, Weber Studies, Osiris, The Owen Wister Review, Hiram Poetry Review, Runes, The Comstock Review, Rattle, New Millenium Writings, Spillway, The Rio Grande Review, Manzanita, Weber: The Contemporary West, and many others (400 poems and counting.) Anthologies include E.R., edited by Parker Towle (St. Andrews Mountain Press) and We Used to be Wives, edited by Jane Butkin Roth (Fithian Press). A Pushcart nominee in 2000, Anne has received many awards and “finalist” status in poetry competitions, including the Frances Locke Memorial Award (a runner up more than once), The Murial Craft Bailey Competition (Poem of Special Merit), Explorations 2000 (fourth place/first Hon. Mention), Sheila-Na-Gig (Hon. Mention),The Dr. Sherwin W. Howard Award in Poetry (Weber Studies, 2006) and many others.She has taught in several national and many local workshops including the Whidbey Island Writers workshop with Kim Addonizio, Marvin Bell & Susan Rich (2004 and 2005) and the Southern California Writers Workshop with Michael Steven Gregory (2004 and 2003). Currently teaches at University of San Diego. During the 1980’s Anne’s literary essays and nature meditations were published in nationally known magazines and journals such as Listening: Journal of Religion & Culture, New Mexico Magazine, and Desert Call.
Full Name
Anne Wilson
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