General Information
(1835-1903)(TRINCULO, NYM CRINCKLE, J. P. MOWBRAY) Drama critic, writer, and novelist. He was born in New York City. Wheeler began newspaper work in 1857 on the staff of the New York Times, and later became city editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel. While in Wisconsin he published “The Chronicles of Milwaukee” (1861). Soon after the outbreak of the Civil War he went with the Federal Army as correspondent for the several eastern and western papers. Afterward, following two years of incidental writing for the Chicago Press, he returned to New York and joined the New York Leader staff; he wrote for the paper dramatic critiques over the signature Trinculo. Then he became dramatic and musical critic for the World, where he attracted wide attention with his weekly essays signed Nym Crinckle, a pseudonym he retained when he passed to the staff of the Sun. As Nym Crinckle he wrote “The Iron Trail” (1876),”The Toltec Cup” (1890), and “The Primrose Path of Dalliance” (1891). He also wrote a play, “The Twins,” an adaptation of “A Tale of Two Cities,” and collaborated upon others. Several years before his death Wheeler retired from active journalism and moved to his farm in Rockland County, where he continued his literary pursuits under a new pseudonym J.P.M. or J.P. Mowbray. The series of essays he sent to the Evening Post were published as “A Journey to Nature” (1901). Other publications were “The Making of A Country Home” (1901), “Tangled Up in Beulah Land” (1902), and “The Conquering of Kate” (1903). His authorship of these later works was not known until after his death. He lived, and eventually died, in Monsey.
Full Name
Andrew C Wheeler
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