General Information
Janet Hamill was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. She received her B.A. in English from Rowan University and spent many years living in New York City and travelling in the United States, Europe and Africa before moving with her husband to Orange County, New York. She is a full-time writer and recipient of the One Voice/Druse Music work grant. Janet is also active as a spoken word performer with the rock band Moving Star. In 2001, they released their debut CD, Flying Nowhere. In addition to her most recent book, Body of Water, she is also the author of Troublante, The Temple, Nostalgia of the Infinite, and Lost Ceilings. City Lights Review, Bomb, and Exquisite Corpse are among the many literary journals in which her poetry and short fiction has appeared. She has released two CDs with Moving Star. In addition to Flying Nowhere, she released Genie of the Alphabet in 2003. She presently is an instructor and serves on the board at the North East Poetry Center in Warwick, New York.
Full Name
Janet Hamill
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