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Daniela Gioseffi is an American Book Award winning author of 16 widely published books of poetry and prose. She rose from a Newark ghetto to be published and present her work from Coast to Coast in the U.S., and in London, Madrid, Tokyo, Barcelona, Venice, Zagreb. She’s taught as a resident author in public schools and on college and university campuses around the country. Her verse was etched in marble on wall of the 7th Ave. Concourse of PENN Station, NY with that of Walt Whitman & W.C. Williams. Among her books of poetry are Eggs in the Lake (Boa Editions, Ltd.) Word Wounds and Water Flowers, and Going On Poems 2000 (Via Folios @ Purdue U. and Blood Autumn (Bordighera Press NY @ Calandra Inst. CUNY,) She’s won NY State Council for the Arts grant awards in poetry & prose & published hundreds of poems in anthologies & literary magazines such as The Paris Review, The Nation, Chelsea, Choice, Ms., Poetry East, Prairie Schooner, Antaeus and Kaleidoscope: Stories of the American Experience (Oxford U. Press). She edits and nominated for Best of the Web. Daniela is a literary reviewer for several journals and a member of The National Book Critics Circle, PEN American Center, The Academy of American Poets, Poetry Society of America, and can be found online at Poets & Writers, Inc. and The Poetry Foundation. She gives talks, readings, workshops at many campuses, libraries & book fairs. She specializes in accessible, imaginative poetry with humane concerns. (No profanity.) She’s lived in Brooklyn Heights, NY. She’s read for NPR , the BBC and published two award winning multicultural compendiums: WOMEN ON WAR: International Writings…(Touchstone/Simon & Schuster: NY 1990, reissued by The Feminist Press, 2003, and ON PREJUDICE: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (Anchor/Doubleday, 1993.) She’s taught Creative Writing at colleges and universities, as well as in senior centers, hospitals, and public schools. Children throughout NY/NJ have been inspired by her passionate and humorous readings. She staged the first Brooklyn Bridge Poetry Walk, 1972, now repeated every year by Poets House, NY, where she’s given readings and seminars. Her first publication was a comic feminist novel from Doubleday/Dell/New English Library London/NY: The Great American Belly, 1979. Her collection of stories titled In Bed with the Exotic Enemy won a PEN Short Fiction Award, 1995. She works in all genres, and is an excellent speaker who also taught Public Speaking and Voice & Diction, having also had plays produced Off-off Broadway. She’s staged many multi-media poetry events and been a performance poet. Info: ; ; ;

1969 to present: Published poetry and prose in innumerable literary magazines and anthologies from the Paris Review, Prairie Schooner, Poetry East, Poetry Foundation, Poetry Society of America Magazine, to Oxford U. Press, Viking, Harper Collins, etc USA.

1978: Eggs in the Lake: Poems, BOA Editions, Ltd. 1979, USA

1979: The Great American Belly: Satiric Novel Doubleday/Dell/ NY, USA. New English Library London, UK. Also Zagreb, Yugoslavia in translation, 1979.

1988: Women on War: International Writings ( NY Touchstone Simon & Schuster, USA, and Feminist Press, reissued NY 2003) American Book Award, 1990. Women’s Studies Classic in print for 25 years. USA

1993: On Prejudice: A Global Perspective, (NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1993) World Peace Award, presented at U.N. USA

1995: Word Wounds and Water Flowers Purdue U. W. Lafayette, IN; Via Folios, USA.

1995: In Bed with the Exotic Enemy: (Stories Against Prejudice) Avisson Press: NC,
(available online as are all Daniela’s Books at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, and most online stores.) USA

1997: Wildlife of the NJ Skylands: A Brief Guide to Flora and Fuana. LadyBug Publications; Andover, NJ. USA.

2000:Going On; Poems: VIA Folios, Purdue U. West Lafayette; IN. USA.

2002: Symbiosis (NY: Rattapallax Press, e-book, 2002. USA

2007: Blood Autumn: New & Selected Poems, 2008 John Ciardi Lifetime Achievement Award in Poetry, VIA Folios@ Calandra Ins’t. CUNY Grad Center, NY. USA

2010- present: ongoing e-anthology since poetry & essays. re climate concerns. USA and Internationally.

2013: The Story of Emily Dickinson’s Master: Wild Nights! Wild Nights! an e-book available at Amazon, etc. published by Acclaimed by Galway Kinnell and The Emily Dickinson Int’l Society Bulletin. Daniela is with Dickinson’s Scholars’ Registery. US

Full Name

Daniela Gioseffi MFA



Author's Timeline



1969 to present: Published poetry and prose in innumerable literary magazines and anthologies from the Paris Review, Prairie Schooner, Poetry East, Poetry Foundation, Poetry Society of America Magazine, to Oxford U. Press, Viking, Harper Collins, etc USA.



Eggs In The Lake
BOA Editions, Ltd.




The Great American Belly Dance
Doubleday / Dell / NY, USA. New English Library London, UK. Also Zagreb, Yugoslavia in translation, 1979.

Satiric novel.



Women on War: International Writings
NY Touchstone Simon & Schuster, USA, and Feminist Press, reissued NY 2003. American Book Award, 1990. Women's Studies Classic in print for 25 years. USA.

Collection by various writers edited by Daniela Gioseffi.



On Prejudice: A Global Perspective
NY: Anchor / Doubleday

Collection of stories and novella. World Peace Award, presented at U.N. USA.



Word Wounds and Water Flowers
Purdue U. W. Lafayette, IN; Via Folios, USA.

Collection of poetry.



In Bed with the Exotic Enemy (Stories Against Prejudice)
Avisson Press, Greensboro, North Carolina. Available online as are all Daniela's Books at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, and most online stores. USA.

Collection of stories and novella.



Wildlife of the NJ Skylands: A Brief Guide to Flora and Fauna
LayBug Publications; Andover, NJ. USA.



Going On Poems 2000
VIA Folios:Bordighera Press, Boca Raton, Florida 33431. Order from Small Press Distribution, 1341 Seventh Street, Berkeley, California 94710-1403; Telephone: 800-869-7553

Collection of poetry.



Going On; Poems
VIA Folios, PurdueU. West Lafayette; IN. USA



NY: Rattapallax Press, e-book, 2002. USA



Blood Autumn: New & Selected Poems
2008 John Ciardi Lifetime Achievement Award in Poetry, VIA Folios @ Calandra Ins't. CUNY Grad Center, NY. USA



2010 - present: ongoing e-anthology since poetry & climate concerns. USA and Internationally.



The Story of Emily Dickinson's Master: Wild Nights! Wild Nights!

An e-book available at Amazon, etc. Acclaimed by Galway Kinnell and The Emily Dickinson Int'l Society Bulletin. Daniela is with Dickinson's Scholars' Registry. USA.

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