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Loss Glazier has made his home in New York state since 1988, when he left the sunny winters and sagebrush of the Southwest to move to Buffalo to participate in the dynamic literary energy of SUNY Buffalo’s Poetics Program. A native of the Tejano and Mexican-American culture of south Texas, Glazier at last feels at home among multi-colored fall leaves, snow, and the sweet purity of fresh maple syrup. Glazier is a poet who works in innovative poetry, both in print and digital media. He presents a unique and provocative reading, combining his interest in experimental poetry with a considerable knowledge of the digital possibilities for the written word. As a speaker he is able to: (1) give a traditional poetry reading; (2) present works conceived for digital performance, and; (3) speak on the subject of literature’s digital future, and; (4) give workshops on the creation of literary Web sites and other digital media literary projects for authors, artists, and literary organizations. Recent digital works by Glazier include “Viz Études,” a series of performances presenting a reading and projection of a number of visual, kinetic, text, and Java-based compositions for electronic space, works which mine the more pliant possibilities of e-poetry and explore the material dimensions of writing in electronic space through the use of elements such as moving text, imbedded sound files, and Java-layered text as properties of writing. An installation of “Viz Études” for magnetic media was included in the “The Next Word” Exhibit at the Neuberger Museum at SUNY Purchase, New York, Fall, 1998. Individual iterations of Viz Études have recently been performed in Buffalo, Albany, New York, the Catskill region, San Francisco, Washington DC, Atlanta, Mexico City, London, Salamanca, Spain, and Bergen, Norway. (Some of these works are available at – Glazier is Director of the Electronic Poetry Center , one of the world’s largest digital poetry sites.
TITLE OF BOOK: Digital Poetics is forthcoming from the University of Alabama Press in May 2001. The collections Leaving Loss Glazier, The Parts, Small Press: An Annotated Guide are still available. He is also the author of numerous published poems, essays, and kinetic works published in print and digital media in the U.S. and Europe.

Full Name

Loss Pequeno Glazier



Author's Timeline



Leaving Loss Glazier

Collection of poetry.



The Parts

Collection of poetry.



Small Press: An Annotated Guide



Digital Poetics
University Of Alabama Press.



Dr. Glazier is Director of the Electronic Poetry Center, State University of New York at Buffalo.

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