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Geoffrey Gatza is the editor and publisher of BlazeVOX [books] and the author of eight books of poetry; Secrets of my Prison House will be out in the Fall of 2010. Kenmore: Poem Unlimited and Not So Fast Robespierre are now available from Menendez Publishing. HouseCat Kung Fu: Strange Poems for Wild Children is also available from Meritage Press. He lives in Buffalo, New York with his girlfriend and two cats.

Full Name

Geoffrey Gatza



Author's Timeline



Factory Manual




John 9:25
Charles LaSalle Publishing,, 258 LaSalle Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14215.
Poetry. An ebook on CD-ROM, "John 9:25" recounts the kinetic and digital writings of the Geoffrey Gatza Automation Corp. Host curator should order CD-ROM from publisher.



I wear a figleaf over my penis
BlazeVOX [books].

Not many have reviewed this item, but recently I found myself taking it off the shelf and diving into it with a full heart. Maybe the title puts people off, but if you can overlook its, what would you say, purposeful gaucherie, I think you might find a lot of substance in what Geoffrey Gatza has to say, and just as importantly, you will be moved and impressed by the ways he's come up with for saying it all.

���Kevin Killian



Dreadful Quietude: A confused saturation of Pre 9/11 America & Supermen
BlazeVOX [books].

Geoffrey Gatza's poem, set in 70 cantos, relating to the years of Superman's life and death in print, 1938 through 1993, details the 20th century American poetic style and motive. This is a post-9/11 reading of America and it's un-erring depiction of what is right and just. Pick up your copy today! What's the matter? Have you nothing to say about America? Do you not dare be grandiose? This work is grandiose if nothing else. Here, Gatza masterfully concocts an intelligent and lucid saturation job as his contribution to the American avant garde in a time when this tends to be pass��. Dreadful Quietude marries the gusto of a comic book with a collection of fascinating esoterica culled from 100 years of western history. Gatza's poetry is unassuming and engaged, this work marks him out as a poet to keep an eye on.

��� Aloysius Werner; Contemporary Poetry



Black Diamond Golden Boy Takes Bull By Horns
BlazeVOX [books}
In his latest work, Black Diamond Golden Boy Takes Bull By Horns, we are introduced to a similarly complex cast of characters both real and imagined: Ezra Pound, Merlin and his mentor Bleys, Percival, the Lady of the Lake, Andy Dick, the Fisher King, Edward Hicks and Sir Thomas Malory, among possibly dozens of others. Again we find the juxtaposition of myth and the real ��� perhaps even an eventual synthesis of the two. But the two are not confused as they are in Dreadful Quietude. Here myth and the real compliment one another in a dialectical, contrapuntal play of verses residing within the architecture of the seasonal cycle ��� that is, the book is comprised of five sections, each section corresponding to a season. Since there are five sections and not four, the season which begins the cycle is the same one that ends it.

���Richard Owens



Thanksgiving Poems: a feast to honor Bernstein, Gander, Johnson, Creeley & Ashbery
BlazeVOX [books].

Thanksgiving Poems : a feast to honor Charles Bernstein, Forrest Gander, Kent Johnson, Robert Creeley & John Ashbery by Geoffrey Gatza Thanksgiving 2002 Charles Bernstein Thanksgiving 2003 Forrest Gander Thanksgiving 2004 Kent Johnson Thanksgiving 2005 Robert Creeley Thanksgiving 2006 John Ashbery.



Not So Fast Roberspierre
Goss 183 Casa Menendez
How can Geoffrey Gatza fit so much love between two cardboard covers? Not So Fast Robespierre snakes us through a world of poets, neighbors, teachers and muses, all with a raw devotion we would do well to wear on our own coat sleeves. This series of remembrances does not discriminate in spreading out for us equal measures of admiration and lessons learned because, in the end, "Everyone gets a gold star and cake in the friendly garden.���

���Amy King



Housecat Kung Fu: Strange Poems For Wild Children
Meritage Press.
Geoffrey Gatza's poetry for children has been one of the greatest secrets in contemporary poetry. Meritage Press is delighted to share this secret by releasing Gatza's inaugural book of poetry for children (of all ages): Housecat Kung Fu.



Kenmore: Poem Unlimited
Goss 183 Casa Menendez
In this exhilarating investigation marking the overdetermined space of relation between the arbitrary character of language and the singular materiality of place, Gatza insists ���Kenmore may hold the key to our stability���.��� Kenmore, he tells us, is an otherwise anonymous village in Eerie Country, NY on the outskirts of Buffalo���a village that could be any and every village but is, in the materiality of its ordinariness, singularly unique. Like Kerouac's Lowell, O'Hara's New York or Olson's Gloucester, Gatza's Kenmore is an interminably unfolding geo-social space exhaustively filtered through the shifting textures of a kinetic imagination always in overdrive. ���Richard Owens



Geoffrey Gatza lives in Buffalo, New York.



Secrets Of My Prison House
BlazeVOX [books].
Poetry expects poets to do their duty, writes Geoffrey Gatza in "Tempus Fidget". GG certainly does his duty by us, poetry readers. In so many ways. His vast publishing energy, so much to be grateful for. And in these pages you will find unmistakable evidence of a perhaps even greater benison: many terrific original works. This is one of the brightest new voices in poetry today.

���Tom Clark 7 May, 2010

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