General Information
Thom Ward holds degrees in English from The College of Wooster and the SUNY College at Brockport. Currently, he is Editor/Development Director for BOA Editions, Ltd., an independent publishing house of American poetry and poetry in translation. His poetry books include Small Boat with Oars of Different Size,published by Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1999 and the new Various Orbits (also published by Carnegie Mellon), both of which may be ordered from Cornell University Press Services at 1-800-666-2211 or e-mail at . His poetry chapbook, Tumblekid, (University of Southern Carolina-Aiken Press) was the winner of the 1998 Devil’s Millhopper Poetry Contest in 1999; a recent chapbook is Greatest Hits 1993 – 2000, published by Pudding House Press. Ward also teaches writing workshops at Roberts Wesleyan College, and through The Writers and Books Literary Center. He received a writing fellowship from The Constance Salstonstall Foundation for the Arts to finish poems for his poetry collection Among the Scattered Farms: Fifty Poems for Brigham-Smith. He is the recipient of three grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts, and his poems have been published widely in journals, anthologies, and newspapers.
Full Name
Thom Ward
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